Industry Mailing Lists

Connect with the right decision-maker and business professionals with our industry-specific, pre-built contact lists. Whether you are looking for C-Level titles, Managers, Directors or Officers, our database can help you with your needs. Buy verified and accurate industry mailing list and market to businesses in relevant industries, such as Construction, Real Estate, Hospitality, Manufacturing, Healthcare, Transportation and more.

The high quality industry email lists for b2b marketing through direct, email, and telemarketing campaigns. eMarketerpros offers superior Industry Solutions for targeting the industries required and makes it easy to reach the highly responsive decision makers. Create a customized Cosmetologists Contact Database with a wide variety of search selections.

Business Type Universal Counts
Advertising and Marketing Email List 62,876
Agriculture Industry Email List 52,835
Attorney Email List 117,534
Automotive Industry Email List 437,216
Aviation Industry Email List 21,736
Banking and Finance Mailing List 286,734
Chemical Industry Mailing List 72,734
Construction Industry Email List 632,840
Education Industry Mailing List 546,172
Electronics Industry Mailing List 74,820
Fishing Industry Mailing List 26,734
Food Industry Mailing List 672,840
Hospitality Mailing List 672,840
Insurance Industry Email List 138,560
K-12 School Email List 287,640
Manufacturing Industry Email List 427,834
Media Industry Mailing List 86,720
Mining Industry Mailing List 427,834
Oil and Gas Industry Mailing List 81,740
Pharmaceutical Mailing List 91,672
Real Estate Agents Email List 168,742
Real Estate Email List 357,832
Retail Trade Mailing List 235,786
Transportation Industry Email List 247,620
Utilities Industry Mailing List 91,672
Wholesale Trade Mailing List 78,620

B2B Marketing Database

Build lists filtered by industry, title, company location, job function, and more, which allow sales teams to find and connect with ideal buyers faster than ever.



Business Emails



Company Profiles



C-Level Contacts



Medical Data

Business Mailing Lists

Connect with the right people with our industry-specific, pre-built contact lists. Buy a mailing list by industry that's verified and accurate, and market to businesses in relevant industries.


Targeted Mailing Lists

eMarketerpros provide high quality and most updated business mailing lists.


Email Marketing Data

Create a customized Business Email List with a wide variety of search selections.


Reach Decision Makers

We have gone to exhaustive efforts to index email addresses of relevant decision makers so your campaigns are highly effective.

Marketing Database

Easily build and scale automated marketing campaigns across channels that engage your customers in a personalized way.

Target Right Customers

Find and engage the right customers. Help them learn what they want to know about your products as they begin their journey.

Activate Data Throughout the Marketing Ecosystem

Connect your data to your preferred marketing platforms using the largest set of pre-built mailing database available anywhere.